Stay up to date with the BCE-Connect-App

​​The BCE Connect mobile app makes it easy for you to keep up with school events and information. The latest version/release of BCE Connect allows us to send announcements as a push notification to anyone who has installed the app and selected St Mary MacKillop School and saved as a Favourite, for example a bus running late from an excursion. Make sure you have notifications enabled on your device for the app when you install it.

The push notification feature may be used to send an emergency announcement or to highlight an important message. The notification presents on a mobile device similar to an SMS text message. You do not have to open the app to see the notification. Other features include newsletters, school documents and the ability to notify of student absences at a touch of a button.

The best experience is if you log into the App, which is done with the same username and password as the Parent Portal, the App will enable you to stay logged in for up to a year.

Use the feedback tool in the app if you want to send a suggestion or let BCE know what you would like in the app.

BCE Connect, is now available to download free from: