Information & Communication Learning Technologies (ICLT)
St Mary MacKillop Primary School continues to make significant investments in the enhancement of Information and Communication Learning Technologies (ICLT). This includes computers, interactive whiteboards, ipads and other programmable digital technologies.
Contemporary learning allows for a more personalised 21st century learning approach to a more personalised approach which recognises the importance of students operating within the global community and being involved in web-based learning that promotes learning for life.
Our School boasts:
A 1:1 laptop program in Years 4-6 where students take home laptops.
Year 3 students have access to an idividual laptop for use at school.
Contemporary work spaces in the Year 4-6 classrooms - new style desks and furniture to enhance this style of learning.
Office 365 including OneDrive and Teams are used to store and share students digital work.
An effective hot-swap system to minimise down time during hardware fixes.
Student access to online learning resources.
Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) and data projectors in every classroom.
Staff Laptops and IPads.
Implementation of a first class Wireless Network throughout the school.
iPads to support student learning in P-2 at a ratio of 1-3.
Class set of IPads available across the school to further support digital learning.
A Library technology area containing BeeBots, Bluebots, Spheros, Wedo Lego, Spike Lego, Mindstorm lego, Edison robots. Makey-Makeys, Cue Bots / Dash & Dot and Drones.
Effective use of Social Media to showcase school events.
Use of Staff, Student and Parent Portals for communication.
BCE Connect App for easy communication between parents and the school.
Introduction of STEM competitions.
Maker-Space and coding opportunities.
ICLTs will continue to have priority at St Mary MacKillop in order to provide learnings for students to be immersed in the endless opportunities that technology provides.

1:1 Laptop Program ~ 2023
Every child in Years 4-6 receives a laptop. It is our belief that the 1:1 laptop program will enhance our students’ ability to demonstrate and engage with 21st Century Skills across all learning areas. We believe that devices are a learning tool and are used in combination with other teaching methods as appropriate.
Program details:
Benefits of 1:1 Laptop Program include:
Promotion of Higher Order Thinking Skills
Personalised learning
Encourage collaboration within the classroom & beyond
Access to Information 24/7
Promotes Learning for Life
Thank you!
These initiatives are not possible without the support of our very generous and committed parent community.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Mary MacKillop Parish School (2021)