As part of our school's mission we value an environment where children grow and develop as individuals, secure in their world. Therefore, we strive to provide opportunities for children to develop confidence and self-esteem. We are conscious that parents contribute much towards providing their child with a Catholic Education. Our school is conscious of providing a blend of extra-curricula activities that assist children to realise their potential through both voluntary and paid staff endeavours, which are a natural extension of the school program and are also extensions of the school day.
Extra-curricula activities are a means of enriching a child’s life and building on their skills. Parents should be aware that in planning a child’s year, a balance should be struck between commitments and available time, energy and finances.
Extra Curricula activities include: Choir, Sports Aerobics, Instrumental Music, Keyboard, Tennis and Chess.

Instrumental Music
Please note that Instrumental Music is conducted by Mr David Smith through "Creative Kidz on Stage". All contact with regards to Instrumental Music is to be made directly to David Smith, either by email to or by phone 0421 022 818.
More information may be found on the Creative Kidz website.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Mary MacKillop Parish School (2018)