Application for Enrolment Online
Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at St Mary MacKillop Primary School.
Please find the link below to apply for your child's online application for enrolment.
Enrolment Requirement - Steps to ensure your application can be processed.
It is necessary to complete and return the application forms and supporting documents including
- Application for Enrolment
- Original Birth Certificate (this will be copied and handed immediately back)
- Original Baptism Certificate – if baptised catholic
- Copy of any medical reports
- Copy of latest school reports
- If applying for enrolment for more than 1 student, when the form is complete, an option will be available to submit another enrolment application for each child.
Once all the necessary paperwork is received, only then can the application be classed as ‘complete” and you are then officially placed on the waiting list. Without all of the above documentation, an application cannot be considered.
Tours of the school are conducted after the interview process.
Please note that lodgement of an application does not ensure enrolment.
It is important to note that an enrolment will depend of the following:
- A fully completed enrolment application, with all the necessary supporting documentation
- The application being approved by the Enrolment Panel
- The availability of a place in the school and
- A successful interview with the Principal/ Assistant Principal.
Enrolment Protocol
As a Catholic school, St Mary MacKillop Primary School gives priority in enrolment to students who are baptised Catholics. In keeping with our Mission Statement, our school is committed to providing a holistic education, which is responsive to each student’s diverse and unique spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual and developmental needs and circumstances.
Guided by the spirit of St Mary MacKillop, our school furthers the mission of the Church and continues to reach out to those who are disadvantaged and marginalised. Enrolment is also given to students from other faith traditions whose families demonstrate that they share in the expressed values of the school. In such instances St Mary MacKillop community embraces church teachings regarding respect for the faith journey of individuals within the religious dimension of school life.
Criteria for enrolment
Consideration of enrolment is made, at the discretion of the Principal, in the following order of priority:
- The child who has a sibling enrolled at St Mary MacKillop School.
- The child who is a baptised Catholic whose family lives in the St Mary MacKillop Parish.
- The child is a baptised Catholic whose family lives outside the St Mary MacKillop Parish.
- The child, whose family belong to another Christian denomination and is accepting of the traditions of the Catholic faith.
- The child, whose family is of another faith tradition and is accepting of the traditions of the Catholic faith.
Conditions of Enrolment
Parents/Carers commit to:
- their child participating in all areas of the curriculum including liturgical celebrations, camps and excursions.
- adhering to all school policies, protocols and procedures.
- meeting their financial obligations as determined by the school.
- actively supporting their child’s learning and participating as a member of the school community.
Should you require further information about St Mary MacKillop School's enrolment procedures, please do not hesitate to contact our Enrolments Secretary, Nikki Thatcher either via
email or by telephone on 07 3822 5500 ext.3. (International calls 61 7 3822 5500).
Preparatory Year
To be eligible for enrolment in Preparatory Year a child must turn five by 30th June in the year they start Prep. The chart below shows when children will start the preparatory year and Year 1.

Enrolment Application and Support Process (EASP)
Adjustments to support access and participation:
The Disability Discrimination Act, 1992 (DDA) and the Disability Standards for Education, 2005 (DSE) outline the obligations of educators to provide a student with a disability the same educational opportunities as any student without a disability. The Enrolment application and support process (EASP) ensures that students with disability are afforded access to and participation in education on the same basis as other students and that thorough planning for successful transition to school, and support at school, can occur.
The EASP is a consultative and collaborative process that encourages all participants in the education process (e.g., student, parent/legal guardian, teachers, school leadership, student support team and BCE Learning and Teaching Services personnel) to share as partners in consultations to ensure that students with disability are afforded access to and participation in education on the same basis as other students. While the EASP is specific to legislative obligations for students with disability, elements of the process can be useful to support planning for the success of students who do not have disability for whom it is considered likely that adjustments will be required to enable the student to participate in education, and use facilities. The purpose of the EASP is to ensure successful transition and support.
The consultation process seeks to reveal and clarify:
The characteristics of the learner, including functional impact of the disability.
The educational adjustments required for access to learning and participation.
Transition planning in collaboration with school/s, family, and student.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Mary MacKillop Parish School (2021)